Senior Living Residential Housing Portfolio | Australia - SSM001

The client seeks investment/loan in a portfolio of high end residential properties for mobility limited people where lending is ultimately assured through operating agreements with Australian government. Funding is also secured against a property portfolio with a forecast that national house prices will rise by about 16 per cent in 2021-2022 and unit prices to rise by about 9 per cent according to Commonwealth Bank head of Australian economics, Gareth Aird. Also, the rents for the properties are ultimately assured by government and/or private funds as they will be verified accommodation that meeting the requirements NDIS Specialist Disability Accommodation Design Standard 2020. In the short-term rental sector, all properties meet the tourism, hospitality and respite need of people with disabilities. As the hospitals systems are under stress, irrespective of the pandemic, the properties are suitable for transitional accommodation for people with mobility issues who are unable to return home but need to leave hospital care. We seek a single funder to work alongside to take this project to the next level.
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